Practice Tips

Practice Tips

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Practice is the road to Success!
Piano Students of Marvin Evans
Hall of Fame
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Your approach to practicing the piano may vary depending on your level of study, but there are some aspects of practice that I've found helpful independent of your level of study.

Make sure that you practice regularly, by doing so you build on what you've done in your previous practice sessions and you'll experience steady progress.

If a composition is difficult or long, break it into smaller sections and work on it section by section, or phrase by phrase. You can also work hands separate and then put hands together.

When first learning a song, practice slowly and carefully. After you've learned the song well enough to control the rhythm, play it with a slow but steady tempo. As you get better at playing the song play it faster, eventually you will be able to play it at the desired tempo.

Your practice should include technical exercises (such as finger exercises, scales, chords, etc. depending on your level of study), it should include works in progress, and you should also play your repertory (songs you've already learned).

I view practice a little differently than playing for fun. Practice should be fun and interesting, but it should also be focused with clear objectives in mind.